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Harmony within Space Clearing and Decluttering

Kerstin Tracy | Space Clearing | Decluttering | Feng Shui | Home

Have you ever walked into a space and felt an instant surge of energy? A place where you feel relaxed, inspired, and happy? Or have you entered a room that made you anxious, tense, and uncomfortable? I still remember walking into the house that became our family home when I was eleven years old. I felt a cold breeze and deep sadness. That's the power of spatial energy, and that's what Space Clearing, Decluttering, and Feng Shui seek to optimize and improve (if needed).

Our family could have done better in that home. The only one that succeeded in her career was my mother. With what I know now, the front door direction really worked for her. My sister and I moved far away, and my parents divorced.

Let’s explore how each practice can help transform your home and create a harmonious living space.

  1. Space Clearing

    Space Clearing is a process of purifying and revitalizing the energy of an environment. It's like a spring clean for your home's energy system. The goal is to remove stagnant, negative energy and improve positive energy flow. Some popular space clearing techniques are burning sage, ringing bells, clapping, or using essential oils. My favorite thing is to spray lavender throughout my home and office space. I do that every day. Of course, you can also hire a professional space clearer who will use various techniques to balance your home's energy. The result of space clearing is a feeling of lightness, clarity, and calmness. The changes are almost instantaneous, especially if you spray lavender essential oil after an argument.

  2. Decluttering

    Decluttering removes excess belongings that no longer serve a purpose or bring value to your life. It's about creating space for new energy and opportunities. The aim is to surround yourself with items that bring joy, inspiration, and function. You would think I am decluttered and organized to perfection as a professional Feng Shui Consultant - well, to my surprise, I always find something to declutter. It is so amazing! I recommend checking all rooms every couple of months.

    Decluttering can be an emotional process involving letting go of attachments and releasing old energy patterns. An example is a gift given to you by someone you really like, but you would prefer something else to the gift. We can feel guilty about regifting, recycling or donating it. Still, if you keep an item in your environment, you do not resonate with - it will harm your life and distrust the flow of energy. Decluttering results in a feeling of simplicity, freedom, and focus.

  3. Feng Shui

    Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging elements in your environment to optimize energy flow. It's based on the concept of Yin and Yang, the five elements, and the Bagua. The goal is to create a balanced, harmonious, and supportive living space that aligns with your goals and desires. An environment that nourishes and inspires you brings you great luck in all areas of your life. Feng Shui can be applied to any environment, from a single room to a whole house. Some popular Feng Shui adjustments are adding plants, moving furniture, choosing colors, and setting intentions. Feng Shui results in a feeling of productivity, prosperity, and positivity.

  4. Combining Space Clearing, Decluttering, and Feng Shui

    Combining Space Clearing, Decluttering, and Feng Shui is a powerful way to transform your living space and optimize energy flow. You can start by decluttering your home, doing a space-clearing ceremony, and applying Feng Shui principles. This triple-action approach can boost the benefits of each individual practice and significantly change your life. The result of combining Space Clearing, Decluttering, and Feng Shui is a feeling of balance, harmony, and abundance.


Feng Shui, Space Clearing, and Decluttering teach us that we are interconnected and interdependent with our environment. Each practice has its benefits, but when combined, they can bring about a powerful transformation in your home and life.

Are you ready to live more mindfully with your environment and enjoy its support? I am ready to guide you to make changes to your life by making changes to your space! Check out my Feng Shui and Space Clearing services here.

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