

My Mission

I offer my full attention and intention to help humans and horses release their pain, and ultimately allow them to connect with their inner guidance and wisdom.

I am committed to creating a safe environment for humans and horses to relax and let go of limitations and restrictions, so they can reach their true potential.

My desire for everyone I treat is to not only find health again, but to feel uplifted and empowered


I deeply admire the body's wisdom, horse’s and human’s, with its ability to not only heal itself, but also to adapt to various forces put upon it. The body is so smart and patient with us, and so forgiving when we just listen to it and follow its cues.

Hi, I’m Kerstin!


I love helping people and horses feel the best they can (and even better than they ever thought they could!).

The human body and mind are fascinating. I have always looked for ways to naturally improve my skills as a modern pentathlete and as a dressage rider.

In college, understanding the biomechanics of the body was an important piece to achieving athletic success, but I knew there was more to it — so in my Masters Thesis I wrote about the power of the mind and perception.

I knew that when our third and youngest child had breastfeeding issues that CranioSacral Therapy could be helpful for him. The results were amazing — and that is one of the reasons I love working with all ages.

I truly treasure healthy beginnings for all newborns and infants. It’s unusual for me to release restrictions in adults that may have been in their bodies since their childhood.

I also deeply enjoy combining my love for horses with my professional skills using Equine CranioSacral bodywork and I love educating horse owners and clients about the powerful connection between deep restrictions around the nervous system and the horse's and human’s overall health and behaviors. 

It is such an honor to be able to work with these beautiful creatures, gain their trust, listen to their guidance, and help them with problems in their bodies that might have been overlooked.

My Education

I’ve been studying human and equine physiology and biomechanics for over 25 years. I studied and worked as a research assistant at the German Sports University. After I graduated with a Masters degree in Exercise Science and Coaching, I expanded my skills by becoming a certified holistic health practitioner in Germany - this how I learned about healing the body naturally. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and trained under Dr. John Upledger himself in CranioSacral Therapy and I am CranioSacral Techniques and Diplomate certified. I am also a certified Diamond Feng Shui Practitioner.

CranioSacral Therapy for horses and pediatrics are my specialties. I am also trained in Neural Manipulation.

What People Are Saying

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For the first time in 9 years I woke up not clenching my jaw or neck and with what feels like ‘a little extra space’ in my neck now. Wow. Thank you so much!
Kerstin is a gifted healer and facilitator, who helps her clients transform their lives from pain to health by tuning into the vibrations of the bodies she works with.
— Esther Cohen, CO