Equine Craniosacral Bodywork FAQs

Craniosacral FAQs →

Will this help my horse with other issues as well, or is it just for head injuries?

Yes, problems can occur at any point in the body. Since everything is connected via fascia and other tissues, problems with the hock can affect the poll and vice versa.

ECS allows the practitioner to unravel the story of the restrictions. Sometimes, it takes a while because there is usually not just one restriction; there will be more to follow. The horse will try to balance its body in its imbalance. So, the hock issue mentioned above may have had its root cause somewhere else in the body—usually along the spine. A healthy nervous system can fix just about everything. The body will know exactly where and when to send what cells to repair the compromised area.

How does Equine Craniosacral Bodywork (ECS) compare to massage therapy or other holistic bodywork?

They all complement each other well. Equine Craniosacral bodywork is the only modality that addresses the nervous system at the source.  That said, chiropractic adjustments at the right time can either kick-start the healing process or enhance it if done after a session of the reaching modality of ECS.

Massage Therapy should be scheduled regularly for any working horse, especially the eventing ones. Like the human athlete, the equine athlete experiences muscle soreness and micro-tears and can benefit from increased blood flow to and from the muscles regularly.

Acuscoping can help tendons and ligaments and also decrease muscle tension.

Horses very well receive acupuncture and can support a healthy lifestyle.

Are there any contraindications for Equine Craniosacral Bodywork? 

Yes, if there has been a recent change in intracranial pressure due to trauma or other illnesses, fractures, fevers, or contagious illnesses, please check with the treating veterinarian.

How many sessions will my horse need?

The horse’s body has been holding itself in organized dysfunction. A horse will carry itself so as not to show his dysfunction as horses are prey animals, so this compensation is for survival. With CranioSacral Therapy, I disorganize the body’s state and ask it to reorganize in a more functional pattern. That is the same in humans. The change in this status can be unusual and confusing for the horse (or human after treatment), and it happens instantly - yet the transformation to a more organized state is a process that takes time.

That’s why I usually request a minimum of 3 sessions before judgment of the efficacy of the sessions.

I am taking good care of my horse and using biomechanically correct riding and training techniques. Does my horse still need bodywork?

Your horse will always benefit from equine bodywork, especially Craniosacral Bodywork. Horses are athletes, and even with our best intentions and superb equipment and training - they will need our help:

  • horses are not designed to carry humans (they look like it), and

  • they can be born with conformation challenges.

It is vital to address soft tissues regularly to avoid long-term health issues. 

Another great advantage of regular bodywork is that the therapist or bodyworker can monitor your horse's soft tissues as your training or other circumstances change. This allows problems to be caught early.

What is a good starting age for horses to receive equine bodywork?

The younger, the better. The sooner the young horse gets used to kind and gentle touch, the easier it will adjust to our demands and the equipment we use. Also, starting young means we can establish a baseline regarding how the soft tissues work best and feel when they are at their healthiest. This is an essential tool when more intense training starts and muscles, ligaments, and tendons tighten.

What about geriatric horses - will they benefit from this work as well?

If the older horse has never received bodywork, it will very well have adapted to many strains and imbalances on his or her body. Working with an older horse generally means lighter sessions and careful monitoring of the results and changes. Since compensatory problems can be very complex and wise, these sessions' intentions are not to dismantle them all but rather to support the horse as best we can and help them stay as supple as possible.

Why do you use some essential oils during the session, and what are they suitable for?

Horses have a very fine sense of smell. Most of their environments lack exposure to different herbs and plants they would naturally seek to cure themselves. Horses are their own best herbalists. Since they usually do not have the opportunity to find the herbs and plants they need to heal themselves, my experience is that horses love smelling the oils I offer them. I never offer more than three high-quality essential oils and pick them according to their health, behavior, and circumstances. The effects are amazing. Some lick the oils off my hand, others start flehmen, sending the therapeutic essences right to their brains.

How much do Equine sessions cost?

The fee for the initial session is $175.00, and follow-up sessions are $150.00

What’s your cancellation policy?

In my desire to be effective and fair to all of my clients and out of consideration for my time and travel, I have adopted the following policies:

  • 24-hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment.

  • If you cannot give 24-hour advance notice, you will be charged the full amount of the session.

Even though I will come to your barn to treat your horse, the following policies still apply:

Anyone who forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show.” They will be charged for their “missed” appointment, and future service will be denied until payment.

Arriving late
Appointment times have been arranged specifically for you. If you arrive late, your session may be shortened to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending on how late you arrive, I will determine if there is enough time to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment given, you will be responsible for the “full” session.