Equine CranioSacral Bodywork
Finding the correct alternative and holistic modality for your horse can be confusing and challenging.
First, let's look at the problems you may be facing.
Is this your horse?
your horse is a competitive athlete, and you are looking to improve the performance and recovery
is head shy, cinchy, and does not like to be touched
spooks easily, and you are concerned about your safety
has had chronic health issues or injuries even though you have made many changes
appears aggressive and grumpy no matter what you try
suffered from head trauma or other neurological or endocrine problems and has not fully recovered
And you have:
tried nutritional changes
modified your horse's training
addressed issues with the hoofs
tried different saddles
had your horse checked by your veterinarian
an open mind when it comes to alternative approaches to treatments
Imagine your horse being able to be a fantastic athlete with ease: shoulders open and free, head movement with natural flexibility, overall suppleness, and hind legs that move your horse powerfully forward.
With EquineCraniosacral Bodywork, your horse may get a chance to:
live a pain-free life
recover from strenuous exercise or competition faster
decrease rehab time
shift its weight back into its main engine for propulsion - the hind end
enjoy strong, powerful, healthy front and hind legs and hooves
move with healthier joints
enjoy a healthy immune system
feel more flexible
reach peak performances with ease
recover quicker from injuries or exercise/events
be alert and attentive
be calmer and more relaxed
How does Equine Craniosacral Bodywork help?
Most horses have had some form of trauma to their bodies throughout their lives, from being ridden too hard too soon to accidents and illnesses. Such events leave scar tissues, sticky fascia, and lesions behind. Most of them go undetected for a long time because both their bodies will try to compensate for as long as possible - until it is too much and more and more injuries seem to occur out of nowhere. But they never do...most likely, restrictions have accumulated over a more extended period.
And - horses have two ways of being in the world: ‘rest and digest’ or ‘fight or flight.’ This is usually out of balance in a way that shows up as behavior or other body issues.
Equine CranioSacral sessions can be a very different way of assessing and releasing tensions and restrictions by addressing the nervous system - the deepest layer of fascia and the most essential infrastructure for communication within the body.
This modality is used successfully to release:
Sinus problems
Eye Problems
Nervous tension
Head traumas and injuries
Behavioral issues
TMJ problems
Imbalances throughout with joint, back, and poll issues
Anything that seems complex, confusing, and complicated...
Few structures have as much influence over the body's ability to function properly as the brain and spinal cord—the central nervous system. Vice versa, the central nervous system is equally affected by the membranes, tissues, and fluids surrounding, protecting, and nourishing the brain and spinal cord. With Equine CranioSacral Bodywork, the horse's body can heal from the inside out.
ECS focuses on the bones of the skull, the membranes in the skull, and their relationship with the sacrum. Hence, it enormously affects hind-end issues, shoulder and wither problems, etc.
I do not manipulate bones but rather the soft tissue underneath. The cranial bones must move freely in specific patterns for the nervous system's overall health. These movements are very tiny but mighty. This way, all underlying tissues, blood, and lymph vessels, as well as cranial nerves and sections of the brain, can function optimally. And if they do - the body can heal itself.
Tissues released through Equine CranioSacral Bodywork hold the changes and progress of sessions from session to session. It steadily unravels compensatory patterns until the original issue or trauma is released. The results are excellent.
All the horses I have worked with, and the ones I trained with, have one thing in common - they love the gentleness of this work with its attention to detail and global calming of a tense nervous system.
It is a great honor to be allowed into the deeply hidden world of the horses I work with - from trail horses to the very athletic ones. It will touch your heart to see your horse eventually deeply relax - guiding me to the exact areas that need attention in the perfect order the body needs.
Additional questions? Check out my Frequently Asked Questions for additional information about my Equine Craniosacral Bodywork service.
“Dear Kerstin, I am so happy to tell you that I have not seen Jackson shake his head in well over three weeks!! It makes me so ecstatic that I can hardly contain myself!
Thank you very, very much for all your hard work on helping him (and me) get through this - you are an integral part of his healthcare team and I am forever grateful for your help! (So is Jackson!).
Isn’t it nice to know that there are happy endings to afflictions like this!”
“Kerstin has helped my Off-Track Thoroughbred be more comfortable. In the process, she has helped me understand him better and given me tools to relieve some of his stress-based behaviors. I wholeheartedly appreciate her expertise, sensitivity, kindness, and friendship. In addition, my horse’s responses over time to her ministrations constitute his own enthusiastic endorsement.”
“Equine CranioSacral Therapy is a tissue based therapy, based in science (central nervous system, autonomic nervous system) and it affects any tissue, at any level, including but not limited to: bone, fascia, dura, muscles, tendons, ligaments, arteries, veins, nerves, blood, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid.”
One more thing!
Many aspects contribute to your horse's well-being, from feed to barn management. But when it comes to riding nothing is more important than the riders balanced biomechanics and the well-balanced posture of your horse. Please remember that if you are out of alignment, your horse has extra work to do to compensate for that.
Regular bodywork for you and your horse is highly recommended for optimal health and performance. There is a reason why top athletes have physiotherapists and athletic trainers working with them every day. Your horse is a top athlete as well and so are you.