Tips for Using Feng Shui for Love and Romance

Kerstin Tracy | Feng Shui

If you're looking for love, why not try Feng Shui? This ancient practice can help you attract romance into your life and improve your relationships in general. Feng Shui is about creating balance and harmony in your environment, which can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life. So if you're ready to find your soulmate or take your current relationship to the next level, read on to learn how Feng Shui can help. Who knows, maybe this is the missing piece you've been searching for!

Here are some Feng Shui tips for your bedroom to ensure your environment is supportive and loving for your relationships: 

Remove Clutter 

When you get rid of clutter, you make room for romance. If you are single, create a space in your closet for a future lover’s things. If attached, make room in your drawers and closets to have equal space for your and your partner’s possessions.  Remove items from past relationships.

No TV or Exercise Equipment in the Bedroom

Keep the TV out of the bedroom. Any electronic equipment should be placed in the living or family room or other areas of your home. A TV in the bedroom is not conducive to romance. The bedroom is for romance, not work. A treadmill or workout machine in the bedroom makes your relationship exhausting. Make sure you don’t have a desk in your bedroom either. If there is no other space in your place - make sure you cover the desk for the night with some cloth or a divider.

Always have Things in Pairs

Replace mismatched night tables with a set to encourage equality in your relationship. Having a pair of same-sized lamps shows you want to share your life and home with your loved one.

Within those pairs, organize items of similar size; if one lamp on a nightstand is much larger than another, this will create an imbalance in the relationship. Whatever you do on one side of a pair, do the same on the other, even with nightlights and plants.

Your bedroom is the key to creating a sacred home that welcomes the love of your life.

Decorate your Room in the Right Color

Color matters too. Earth tones are soothing and grounding for attracting relationships. Then, add small accents in the red spectrum, such as pink, maroon, or berry. Try to create a room that is neither too feminine nor too masculine. Find a nice balance so both persons will feel welcomed and honored in the space.

Shades of pink help draw love to you more quickly and create a romantic mood. Red, used sparingly, can be a sexy, bold color that creates passion or helps attract a new partner.

Check the Statues and Art in your Bedroom

Replace any photos, sculptures, or art of single people or figures. Replace them with happy couples. This simple change will help draw a wonderful partner! You should discard or put away photos and mementos of old flames. Gifts and anything with the ex’s energy on it keep new love at bay.

Bed Placement

Having the side of your bed up against a wall pushes away your chance for love. Your bed should be positioned to have enough space to walk on either side. Not in line with the door but being able to see the door as you sleep. Place your bed in your health or success direction if possible.

The Size of your Bed Matters!

The size of your mattress is important! If you are single with a single mattress, you will stay single, while a King size mattress doesn’t encourage romance either. Queen-size is perfect for love. It is best not to sleep on a mattress from a previous relationship, but if you must, give it a clearing with some sage. Remove clutter from under the bed so energy can flow freely.

Satin Sheets

Consider sensual, soft bedding when selecting pillows, sheets, and comforters. Any type of bedding that creates a cozy environment is great for the bedroom.

Personal or Religious Photos

Don’t display family and kid photos in the bedroom. Or religious statues (No Virgin Mary over the bed!). This is said to hinder romance. Place them in the living or family room instead.

Set The Mood

The mood in the bedroom is essential: Light scented candles and add thick, luxurious drapes to your window treatment. Keep the lighting soft. Play romantic music. Place “happy” photos of you and your partner in the Southwest direction of your bedroom.

Rose Quartz

Buy chunks of rose quartz, hearts, and rose quartz lamps and place them in your bedroom. Rose quartz is the gem for love, compassion, healing, and romance. Place two pieces on your nightstand; carry the gem in your purse or car. 

As jewelry, allow your gem to rest on your heart. This stone is known to draw love into your life, increase self-love and help heal a broken heart.

The southwest corner of your home is the area for love. Place two pieces of rose quartz or two peonies—the flowers for love and romance—in that area of your home

Feng Shui for your Bedroom, Feng Shui Romance, Feng Shui Consultation, Feng Shui Master, Feng Shui Tips

Other areas of the house that can be improved with Feng Shui for romance:

As we all know, the living room is often the center of life. Feng Shui can help you use this living space for romance as well! It's all about opening pathways and creating balance in the living room. Classical Feng Shui also recommends adorning living spaces with items that symbolize affection – such as love birds or loving couple statues. Combined with energy-producing plants, such decorations will help draw love and affection into a living room to create the perfect atmosphere for romance to flourish!

There you have it!

By following these Feng Shui tips, you can improve the romance in your life, whether you are single or spoken for.

If you need more guidance implementing Feng Shui principles in your home or office, please click the link below to schedule a consultation. I’d be happy to offer additional support so that you can reap all of the magical benefits that Feng Shui has to offer for your love and romance life!


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