Where Is My Money?

Six Powerful Tips to Enhance the Flow of Money into Your Life.

Kerstin Tracy, Feng Shui Consultant | Feng Shui | Money Manifestation

Feng Shui, Money Manifestation, Chi, Qi, Energy

Are you using affirmations every day to manifest abundance, but - it has not happened yet? Affirmations are positive and powerful statements that we consciously repeat to ourselves to shift our mindset and align our thoughts with our desires. When used consistently and with intention, affirmations can be a powerful tool to reprogram our subconscious mind, attract abundance, and create positive changes. So what do we do if our affirmations are no longer working or they need additional support? What if you could make some changes to your home and environment and that does the trick?


Yes, it is possible, and you can achieve it with Feng Shui!

In Feng Shui, there are three types of Luck. The principles of Feng Shui help to arrange your environment to support you while amplifying these three types of luck in your life. Let’s explore these luck types…

  1. Heavenly Luck

    Heavenly Luck is found within the alignment of the stars when you were born. The alignment of the stars at the time of a person's birth holds great significance. It is believed that the cosmic forces and energies present at the moment of birth influence a person's character, tendencies, and life path. By examining the specific positions and interactions of the stars, planets, and elements at the time of birth, a Feng Shui practitioner can gain insights into an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and potential opportunities.

  2. Human Luck

    Human Luck is what you do with your life, how you respond to challenges in life, and what your general attitude is. Human Luck plays a crucial role in the practice of Feng Shui, as it emphasizes the power of personal actions and choices in shaping one's destiny. While Heavenly Luck is influenced by external forces, Human Luck focuses on individual efforts and mindset. By aligning personal goals and aspirations with the principles of Feng Shui, individuals can enhance their Human Luck and increase the likelihood of achieving their desired outcomes. Human Luck reminds us that we have the power to shape our own destiny and that our attitude and actions are instrumental in creating a harmonious and prosperous life.

  3. Earth Luck

    Earth Luck is the luck we can ever so gently but powerfully tap into with the Wisdom of Feng Shui. Earth Luck is a fundamental concept that focuses on the physical environment and its impact on human well-being and fortune. It recognizes the influence of the surrounding landscape, natural features, and the built environment on the energy flow or Qi in a particular space. Earth Luck emphasizes the interplay between the land and its inhabitants, recognizing that the energy of the Earth directly affects individuals' luck and prosperity.

These three types of luck are important when we talk about how Feng Shui can manifest abundance in your life. By synergistically utilizing these three types of luck, one can create a fertile ground for financial success and unlock the full potential of Feng Shui in manifesting money abundance. Here are six simple and powerful ways to increase your money flow:

  1. If you still use cash, make sure you keep it in one place and not all over the house or your car.

    This practice helps create a sense of organization and harmony, allowing the energy of wealth to flow smoothly and accumulate in one location. By centralizing your cash, you create a focused energy that supports financial stability and abundance, making it easier to manage and attract more wealth into your life.

  2. Make sure you carry cash in your wallet if you want to attract more of it.

    By carrying cash in your wallet symbolizes abundance and signals to the universe that you are open and ready to receive more money. The physical presence of cash in your wallet acts as a visual reminder of wealth and reinforces your intention to attract financial prosperity. By keeping cash with you, you create a positive energetic connection with money, which can help manifest more opportunities for wealth and abundance in your life.

  3. Manage your money well.

    When you manage your money, you become more mindful of it. Managing your money promotes mindfulness by fostering a deeper awareness and understanding of your financial resources and expenditures. When you actively track and manage your money, you become more conscious of how you earn, spend, and save, which cultivates a greater sense of responsibility and control over your financial well-being.

  4. Allow yourself to receive: Evoke the feeling of having all the money you want and need.

    Allowing yourself to receive aligns your mindset and emotions with the vibration of abundance. By embodying the feeling of abundance, you open yourself up to attract more financial opportunities and experiences that match that energetic frequency, creating a positive feedback loop that supports the manifestation of your desired financial reality.

  5. In 2023, place a tabletop fountain in the Southwest area of your office or living room.

    Placing a tabletop fountain in the Southwest area of an office or living room in 2023 can be beneficial in Feng Shui as it is associated with the energy of abundance and prosperity. The flowing water symbolizes wealth and helps activate the auspicious energy of the Southwest sector, attracting opportunities for financial growth and enhancing overall abundance in your space.

  6. In 2023, place a golden item in the West of your living room or office.

    Placing a golden item in the West of your living room or office in 2023 aligns with Feng Shui principles that associate the West with the Metal element, which represents wealth and financial prosperity. By adding a golden item in this area, you aim to activate and enhance the positive energy associated with wealth, inviting abundance and financial opportunities into your space during the year.

And here is one more super important tip: always keep your front door and entryway open, welcoming, and organized. That is how the Chi, the abundant energy of the universe, enters your home!

Are you looking to grow your money abundance in your home or place of business? I would love to assist you change your life by making changes to your space. Check out my Feng Shui Consultation here:


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