Using Feng Shui to Create Powerful Vision Boards

Kerstin Tracy | Feng Shui

A Vision Board is a powerful tool to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on specific life goals.

Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images, words, favorite sayings, and/or photos that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. (Note that in our ultra digital age, you can create vision boards on your computer screen and mobile devices. Just Google “Vision Board Software”.)

What is the point?

Simply put, we humans tend to be a very busy and are constantly bombarded by distractions. Making use of Vision Boards serves several purposes, some of which include helping you to:

  • Identify your vision(s)/goal(s) and give it clarity.

  • Reinforce your daily affirmations.

  • Keep your attention on your intentions.

The idea behind a vision board is that when you surround yourself with the images you desire, your life begins to change to match those images. This could be a collage that contains images of a musical instrument you want to learn, a home you would like to live in, a new relationship you want to have, who you want to become, a book you want to write, a degree you wish to achieve or a dream vacation you always wanted to take.

Everyone’s goals and what they value in life are unique to them. Find images and words that resonate with your goals. BE SPECIFIC! Your vision board will add clarity to your goals, desires, and feelings. I recommend that when you create your vision board you place the different aspects of your life (career, romance, travel, etc. in the same areas according to the Feng Shui Bagua to give it more symbolism and a more powerful expressed intention (i.e., put your pictures of the ideal romance or mate you would like to attract in the top right corner of the vision board - the relationship corner of Bagua and your career dreams in the bottom middle of your vision board, etc.)

You should always do what feels right for YOU. You can find pictures and images in magazines, books, or online, or simply get creative and create your drawings.

Schedule a Feng Shui Consultation with me to find out your best directions and the most important colors, cures and activations as well as powerful words for each direction of the Bagua.

This will help you create the most powerful vision board ever.


Supplies you will need for creating your vision board:

  • Poster board, a bulletin/cork board to place your images on.

  • Different magazines with colored pictures. You can also do Google image searches for great pictures.

  • Thumbtacks, tape, or glue sticks, to secure your images on your vision board. Have some scissors on hand to cut out images from your magazines.

If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal.”

~Norman Vincent Peale


Creating your Vision Board:

There should be no limit to your creativity when creating your vision board.

Before you begin your board, sit quietly and get clear on your goals. Set the intention. With love, gratitude and kindness, ask yourself what you want. Many times images will come into your head. Just take a moment to be with those images. Try to see clearly what you want to create. You should feel happy and uplifted when you get into this visual experience. This positive visual place makes this process a much deeper meaningful experience. You’re more likely to attract and manifest your goals in this positive state.

The general elements that a well-designed vision board should include are:


Your subconscious mind works in pictures and images, so make your vision board as visual as possible with as many pictures as possible. Supplement your pictures with words and phrases to increase the emotional response you get from them.


Each picture on your vision board should evoke a positive emotional response from you. The sight of your vision board should make you happy and fuel your passion for achieving it every time you look at it.

Sort and Cut

Go through your pictures and select the ones that impact you emotionally and visually the most. Cut the extraneous material away from the image.

Arrange and Glue

Place a current picture of you, with your name on the back in the very center of your vision board.

I recommend the Bagua placement of images for your vision board layout. After you are satisfied with the arrangement, glue all your pictures. Additionally, you might want to add writing or drawing on your vision board if you feel it would better resonate with your emotions.

Place your Vision Board

Make sure to place it in your Personal Success Direction.

Look at it every day. You need to constantly bathe your subconscious mind with its energy to manifest your desires quicker than you hope. (Negative feelings, self-doubt, and criticism can damage the delicate energy that your vision board emits. If you fear criticism or justification of your vision board from others, place it in a private location so it can only be seen by yourself).

Keep it Updated

Update your vision board as your intentions my change throughout the year. Have a blessed journey discovering and creating your vision board. Your vision board is all about you. What you want out of this life. You deserve it! When you believe it, you will have it!

Affirmation and Goals

Stating affirmations and writing down your personal goals regularly are some of the most powerful tools in creating positive change. 

An affirmation is a self-hypnotic suggestion to your mind. You become what you think about most both consciously and unconsciously. It is important to remember that the unconscious mind accepts thoughts and actual events both as reality. 

Below are some helpful tips which will help you to understand the best ways to structure your affirmations properly for them to be effective and powerful for you. 

Your affirmation or goals must be focused on the positive and should make you feel good, not negative in any way. This is the most important thing to remember. Your unconscious mind does not hear “not”, or “I don’t want this experience.” The unconscious mind focuses on where you focus it, so it is very important to focus on what you wish to create. Although our minds are intelligent mechanisms it still cannot tell the difference between reality and an actual thought. It reacts to your thoughts and emotions as if that is the reality, even if it is not.

For example, don’t state “I am sick of being unappreciated.” “I don’t want to be in debt.” or “I want to lose weight.” Debt, lack and weight are what you are attracting to yourself in that type of thinking. Another example is stating, “I don’t want this type of relationship.” Once again, focusing on what you don’t want will just get you more of just that, and what you don’t want becomes your reality as that is where your thoughts are focused. Become aware of your thoughts and focus on what you do wish to experience or create. Instead of saying “I don’t want to be fat.” or “I don’t want to feel tired.” say an affirmation like: “I am an example of perfect fitness, health and attractiveness.”; “I am so grateful and fortunate that I am a healthy and whole human being.”

Gratitude brings MORE of what you want into your life. Visualize yourself having that thin, attractive body you desire now! Remember it is very important not to focus on what you don’t want. Rather focus on what you do wish to progress towards and get very clear and specific about all the positive qualities and feelings of having it now. 

Start to pay attention to what you are thinking about most of the day. What you think about creates an emotional response within you. Ask yourself if those thoughts and feelings support your goals. If they don’t, they are creating suffering for you. Be proactive and replace any negative thoughts or emotions you may be experiencing with positive thoughts and affirmations that make you feel inspired and hopeful.

Write or say your affirmations in the present tense. If you tell yourself something will happen one day, it will forever remain in the future. If you tell yourself it is becoming true, it is. So use affirmations that state “I am” as they are very powerful. Don’t state “One day I will be financially free” but rather “I am intending...” or “I am attracting the perfect...” statements are more powerful.

The affirmation you create and state must be believable to you. First, you must believe the affirmation is possible for you, as you state it in the affirmation. If you tell yourself that you are a millionaire when you are actually in huge debt, your unconscious mind won’t believe you and will dismiss the suggestion. However, if you tell yourself that you are approaching your desires daily and state them as a positive, like “I am approaching my goal of financial freedom daily,” your mind can’t automatically reject that, so your mind can believe that statement. Therefore your mind will then begin to lead you in that direction. You will be attracted to doing whatever is needed to achieve your goal.

An example of a good affirmation to repeat could be “Money comes to me easily and frequently in my career.” or “I am attracting the perfect customers.” 

When verbally stating your affirmations, they are best used and repeated when you naturally go into a light hypnotic state, like doing repetitive motions. When you do things like washing the dishes, or you’re on a treadmill, you’re in a light hypnotic state or on autopilot. You can use these times when you’re on autopilot to your advantage by stating your affirmations over and over. When you plan your affirmation and repeat them while in these trance-like states, you will see how easily the affirmations manifest.


“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!”

~Henry Ford


Recap on Tips for Affirmation and Goal Writing

  • Make it positive

  • Make it present tense - “I AM”

  • Make it believable to you

  • Use numbers in goals, not in affirmations

  • Write it down

  • Connect your Affirmations and Intention with your Home

  • Repeat it often


Where Is My Money?


Using Diamond Feng Shui to Create a Vision Board