Feng Shui Principles to Sell Your Home Fast

Kerstin Tracy | Feng Shui

Most people are aware that curb appeal is super important to attract the perfect buyer. Curb appeal holds immense importance when it comes to homes and businesses alike. It is the first impression that visitors, potential buyers, or clients have of a property, and it sets the tone for their overall perception. A well-maintained and visually appealing exterior not only creates a positive initial impact but also signals a level of pride and care in the property. It can significantly increase the perceived value of a home or attract customers to a business. Curb appeal is not limited to aesthetics; it also encompasses factors like landscaping, cleanliness, and maintenance, which can directly influence the property's overall condition. By investing in curb appeal, homeowners and businesses can create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression and enhances their overall reputation.

When applying some of the principles of Feng Shui to your home and curb appeal, you will be amazed at the results when it is time to sell it. When a space not only looks good but also feels good - this is a key indicator that it has the potential to sell much faster.

Feng Shui Expert, Feng Shui Consultation, Feng Shui for Home selling, Home selling, Tips for Selling your home

  1. Take some time to clear the clutter

    As a Feng Shui consultant, I emphasize the significance of clearing clutter in selling a home and promoting positive energy within it. Clutter has a profound impact on the flow of energy, or Qi, within a space. When a home is cluttered, stagnant energy accumulates, hindering the harmonious flow of Qi. This stagnant energy can create a sense of heaviness and block opportunities from manifesting. By decluttering, we create space for fresh energy to circulate, allowing for a more vibrant and harmonious environment. Moreover, a clutter-free home has a visual appeal that can greatly influence potential buyers. It helps them envision the space as their own, fostering a positive emotional connection. Clearing clutter not only supports a successful sale but also contributes to a more balanced and uplifting energy in the home, benefiting the well-being and overall happiness of its occupants. Here are some tips on how to get started clearing the clutter in your home:

    1. Clutter clearing is one of the most important things you can do for your space. You have probably gotten so used to the items in your home that you may be thinking that it IS decluttered. Walk through your home like a visitor or have your friends give you some feedback. It will really help cut back on some items.

    2. De-personalize the space, remove family photos, clear off the refrigerator, and put away extra electronics and cords.

    3. Don’t forget to clean the basement (or lower level), as everything in the basement anchors a homeowner and can keep them locked in the current home.

    4. Check out my blog post on space clearing.

  2. Spruce up your homes curb appeal and front door

    I understand the profound impact that enhancing your home's curb appeal and front door can have on both selling the property and fostering positive energy within it. The front door is considered the "mouth of Qi," where energy enters the home. By sprucing up the entrance area and ensuring it is well-maintained and inviting, we create a harmonious and welcoming flow of energy into the home. A visually appealing and clutter-free front entrance also leaves a positive first impression on potential buyers, making them feel more drawn to the space. Moreover, the exterior appearance of a home reflects its overall energy and vitality. A well-cared-for exterior, with beautiful landscaping and balanced elements, uplifts the energy of the entire property, creating a sense of harmony and balance. When selling a home, paying attention to curb appeal and the front door not only increases its market appeal but also fosters a positive and vibrant atmosphere within, benefiting both the residents and potential buyers alike. Here are some tips on how to get started sprucing up these areas of your home:

    1. Manicure the yard and put welcoming plants in red, yellow, or lush green on both sides of the front door.

    2. Put a wind chime at the entrance to create good chi and to keep the positive energy in the home.

    3. A water element combined with plants and good lighting enhance the WOW factor of a good feeling as you enter the home.

    4. A new doormat creates new energy at the front door.

    5. Keep the front stoop clean and well-lit.

    6. Cut back any shrubs that overhang the path to the front door – the front door should be easy to see and access.

    7. Make sure the house number is easy to see and read.

  3. Use Feng Shui to set your attention and bring helpful people your way

    To attract a new homeowner, it’s important to support and encourage helpful people to guide you along the way. This includes the right agent, home stager, landscaper, cleaner, painter, handyman, etc. Here are some great tips for using Feng Shui to encourage a successful outcome:

    1.  Start by creating a metal ‘Helpful People’ box and place it in the Northwest section of the home or in the area to the right of the front door.

    2. Place your wishes and intentions inside this box, i.e. place the real estate agent’s card, the price you desire for the home, and a welcome greeting for the potential buyer in the box.

    3. Tie a copy of the house keys in with 9 inches of red ribbon and place them inside the box.

    4. Write an intention of the amount needed to make a successful sale.

    5. Pick several most treasured possessions, pack them up, and seal them in a moving box as a sign to the Universe that you are “ready, willing, and able” to move.

    6. Place the “for sale” sign to the right of the property, and display the sales materials in upright racks rather than flat on the table where they are symbolically “lying down on the job. ”

  4. Staging your home is essential to ensuring the potential buyer that furniture fits in the space and the function of the overall home is inviting.

    Staging creates a harmonious and inviting environment that allows potential buyers to connect with the space on a deep and emotional level. By carefully arranging furniture, optimizing room layouts, and enhancing the flow of energy, staging can greatly improve the overall energy of the home. It creates a balanced and harmonious atmosphere that promotes positive emotions and helps potential buyers envision themselves living in the space. Moreover, staging allows us to highlight the best features of the home and showcase its full potential. By creating a visually appealing and well-designed environment, we not only attract more potential buyers but also increase the perceived value of the property. Staging is an essential aspect of the selling process, as it creates a favorable impression, maximizes the appeal of the home, and ultimately increases the chances of a successful sale. Here are some tips on how to stage areas of your home:

    1. Make sure couches and chairs are placed so that the door can be seen from this position, especially in the living room, bedroom, and home office if there is one. When potential buyers walk in and see/feel that they will be able to be “in charge of their lives” in this home, they feel more comfortable immediately.

    2. Make sure that each room has a singular purpose. So if the seller had a room set up as a guest room and office, decide which is needed more to sell the home, a guest room or an office, and make it that.

    3. Remove excess furniture and accessories; it’s important to make the home feel open and spacious so the potential buyers can envision themselves in it. You have to make space for them, literally!

    4. If the home is occupied, have live healthy plants in every room; if the home is unoccupied, use silk plants.

    5. Clean the windows, inside and out. Windows are the eyes of the home; make them sparkle!

    6. Repair dripping faucets, stuck doors, and anything broken or in disrepair.

    7. Replace any burned-out light bulbs.

    8. Clean your windows or have them professionally cleaned.

  5. Kitchen and Bathrooms

    Most Realtors know, great kitchens and bathrooms sell homes. Here are my tips on how to get the most for a potential sale out of your kitchen and bathroom:

    1. Keep these spaces clean and tidy.

    2. Put away all unnecessary appliances and knick-knacks

    3. Clear counters, and move as much as possible into the cabinets.

    4. Remove all items from the front and sides of the refrigerator.

    5. Close toilet seats and drains so as not to send money and positive energy down the drain.

    6. Give all bathrooms the spa treatment; add plants and plush towels to offset the dominant water and metal elements usually found in bathrooms.

6. Celebration, Ceremony, and Energy

I encourage you to express your gratitude for the home that you want to sell. Evoke all the happy memories. A happy home is an attractive home. Internally release it with love and allow for the right new owners to take buy and care of it.

In addition to the above, many general suggestions can and should be incorporated to preparing a space for sale:

  • Place live ‘lucky’ bamboo in the wealth corner of the home. Not sure where your wealth corner is? Check out my Feng Shui consultation where I will help you determine which corner this is.

  • Address “scent” as an important element to your staging experience. Use organic essential oils for example.

  • Paint to freshen and enliven a space – make it feel new. Fresh paint is the easiest cure for bad wallpaper or a low-energy space.

  • Activate the Wealth Star in the house with a beautiful fountain with moving water. You should consider a Feng Shui consultation to locate the fountain in the correct location for your home.

  • Write your intentions on beautiful stationery and then place it in the soil of a plant that is in the Abundance area of the home. Again, you should consider a Feng Shui consultation to locate the Abundance area of your home. Each time this plant is watered, you are “feeding” your intentions with your home.


Important! Most potential buyers will decide within the first 8 seconds whether they like or dislike a property. Incorporating Feng Shui into your pre-sale preparation will make your home feel so warm and inviting that the potential buyer will want to move right in!

Are you looking to optimize the sale of your home and attract the perfect buyer? A Feng Shui consultation is one of the secret ingredients to ensuring a successful and swift sale. My expert consultation will carefully assess the energy flow, balance, and harmony within your home, identifying any potential obstacles or imbalances that may hinder its marketability. Through strategic adjustments and enhancements, I'll help you create a harmonious and inviting space that resonates with potential buyers on a deep level. By applying time-tested Feng Shui principles, I'll optimize the layout, arrangement, and energy flow to create a positive and vibrant atmosphere that captivates buyers and maximizes the perceived value of your home. With my guidance, you'll showcase the full potential of your property, highlighting its best features and creating a lasting impression. Don't leave the sale of your home to chance – invest in a Feng Shui consultation and unlock the power of energetic alignment to attract the perfect buyer and achieve the best possible outcome for your sale.


Start your Feng Shui Consultation today. Click the link below to get started!


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