What It Is Like To Work With A Distance Healer

Transformative Power of Distance Healing

Kerstin Tracy | Long Distance Healing

If someone would have told me many years ago that I would offer Distance Healing, I would have laughed. What a woo-woo thing to offer. In the meantime, mainly thanks to the pandemic we all experienced, I felt very curious to learn about a class one of the Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Instructors offered during that time on distance healing. Something so foreign to me before started to feel more natural to me as I advanced in my CranioSacral Therapy practice.

The longer I worked with adults and babies and the more I worked with horses, the more I noticed how much energetic communication happened during the sessions. When we work together, it is from a very grounded and energetically connected space. It is the practitioner’s ability to hold a strong healing presence that makes all the difference - whether bodywork is received in person or during distance healing.

The distance healing method I use is based on Upledger CranioSaral Therapy and was developed by Suzanne Scurlock. In today’s fast-paced world with its focus on achievement, most of us have lost the ability to connect with our bodies. We just live in our heads and override bodily cues and symptoms. As a result, we miss out on the guidance our bodies can give to stay healthy, grounded, inspired, and balanced. So not only may we be missing out on being more efficient in our work, we may experience intense and persistent physical symptoms as well.

Let us venture into this enlightening journey together, as I explain what it is truly like to work with me during a long distance healing session:

Defying Physical Constraints

Long Distance Healing is a profound practice that transcends geographical limitations and allows me to connect with your energy regardless of the miles that separate you from me during your session. Through intention and energetic resonance, I am able to tap into the subtle vibrations that thread through the fabric of existence, facilitating deep healing and transformation during a session.

The Dance of Energetic Resonance

Energy knows no boundaries—it effortlessly flows and interweaves, connecting all beings and realms. During a long distance healing session, I skillfully tune into your unique energetic signature, creating a sacred space where healing intentions can manifest. Through the art of intention and focused energy work, I will establish a profound resonance that transcends physical presence, allowing the healing process to unfold during our session.

The Subtle Language of Intuition

As an experienced long distance healing practitioner, I possess a heightened sense of intuition - an intuitive language that enables me to navigate the energetic landscapes of my clients. I can channel healing energy, bringing restoration and balance to your being during a session. But that is not entirely it. We work together!

Co-Creation, The Power of Intention

Long distance healing is a co-creative process, where I form a sacred partnership with you. Your intention to heal, grow, and transform acts as a potent catalyst, while my expertise and focused intention guide the energetic currents. Together, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery, releasing stagnant energies, and inviting the revitalizing flow of life force energy into your being.

The Vastness of Healing Modalities:

Long distance healing encompasses a modified version of CranioSacral Therapy and guided visualizations, tailored to address various aspects of your being—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Allow the transformative energies to work their magic.

Trust and Surrender:

In the realm of long distance healing, trust and surrender play pivotal roles. Put your trust in my inherent wisdom, the unseen forces at play, and the transformative potential of energetic alchemy. Surrender to the process, release any expectations or preconceived notions, and allow the healing energies to flow freely through your being. Embrace the unknown with an open heart, knowing that profound healing can occur beyond the confines of physical presence.

Integrating the Healing Experience:

As the long distance healing session concludes, embrace the integration process. Take time to reflect, journal, and nurture yourself. Notice the subtle shifts, insights, and emotions that arise within you. Honor the healing journey and allow its gifts to permeate your life. Remember, healing is a continuous process, and the transformative energies initiated during the session can continue to unfold in the days, weeks, and months that follow.

I invite you to trust in the power of intention and surrender to the innate wisdom of healing and transformation your body has to also allow for your growth and self-realization. For each session, we will connect via phone so you can embark on this journey from the comfort of your home. Ready to start on your path to discovery? Click the link below to get started. I look forward to working with you!


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